I heard the Democrat VP Presidential candidate, Tim Kaine, say that Hillary Clinton has been a victim of locker room talk her whole life. The exact quote was, "... hey, she’s faced that locker-room attitude from an awful lot of people her whole life."

Obviously, Mr Kaine does not even know what "locker room talk" is. And/or, apparently, neither do a lot of other people running the Clinton campaign. If they did, Kaine would not have stupidly said what he said.
So called locker room talk has been going on since Adam was a baby. It's a part of heterosexual male genes. It's in our DNA. No, I am not condoning locker room talk or defending it or excusing it, I'm explaining what it is and why it is.
First of all, as it applies to women, locker room talk is often sexual in nature. It's often based on a man being sexually attracted to or turned on by an attractive or hot woman and what nasty or non-nasty sexual things he would like to do to/with her. Locker room talk is often disgusting. Locker room talk is NOT for mixed company. Or for public consumption. Nor is it appropriate. What is the basis of locker room talk? Locker room talk is a male biological reaction. It starts with the surge of hetero hormones in our teens and often continues until we die. Men understand it, it's a given, it's like the prehistoric cooperative hunting and defense instinct, it's part of our DNA. It's a "man" thing. If you are a heterosexual man, you probably have the instinct and the ability to express sexual desire in the company of other men, in or out of a locker room, wherever two or more men gather in private. And, yes, some/many men do not engage in sexual locker room talk.
And please don't tell me that men and women are the same. Biologically, men and women are indeed different.
Yes, locker room talk is insensitive and sexist. Yes, it is indeed both of those things. It's also "normal". "Normal" is defined as what most people would do in a given situation, in this case men. Believe me, most heterosexual men have an involuntary biological sexual reaction to a sexy woman. That biological response is also often verbalized in the "locker room", i.e. privately among other males. The Democratic candidate for Vice President, Mr Kaine, said in his Denver speech, "No, men are not that way. Real men aren’t that way." He's soooo wrong. Or maybe he's not a real man.
Women may or may not understand or accept the existence and continuance of locker room talk - even though women do it too: often talking to one another about men the same way, sexually objectifying a hot guy and talking down-and-dirty and sexual about him. Go ahead, tell me I'm wrong.
As for Hillary Clinton being a victim of locker room talk, speaking for all real men on the planet Earth, I doubt very seriously if men are talking about her in a sexual way, in or out of a locker room.