Are you conservophobic?

Are liberals conservophobic? According to the Urban Dictionary, "Conservophobe - a person who hates or fears conservatives.

Conservophobic - a type of behavior demonstrated by a Conservophobe."

Triggered by the 2016 election of Donald Trump as President, liberal fear and anger in America is out of control. Liberals are busy accusing Trump (and all conservatives) as being racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic, and anything else they can falsely make up or invent that makes a non-liberal look bad. Liberals are even rejecting the outcome of the legitimate election itself - simply because they lost and didn't get their way. Poor losers. Poor sportsmanship. Hypocritical. And typical.

Liberals are now completely and outwardly fearful of, and hateful towards, anything that's not liberal. They are phobic. According to, a phobia is: "a persistent, irrational fear of a specific object, activity, or situation that leads to a compelling desire to avoid it." Liberals are phobic. Liberals are conservophobic. They have an irrational fear of anything that's not liberal, regardless of whether or not it works and improves people's lives, including minorities. That fear and hate is irrational. Ignorant. Irritating. And intolerant. Very intolerant. As liberal are intolerant, it's time to stop tolerating THEM.