Do NOT Repeal Obamacare

Dear Congress:

Do NOT repeal Obamacare BEFORE you have a replacement plan ready to go!!!

Many people on Obamacare (especially the poor ones) are fearful that Congress (Trump) will take away their existing Obamacare health insurance and NOT replace it with anything, leaving them with NO health insurance. This fear is the result of the badly constructed Republican message re repealing and replacing Obamacare. It's backwards. And causes fear, because all people hear is "repeal". And the "replace" is not understood to be an immediate replacement after the repeal. The Trump/Congress message should have been: Replace and repeal. "Congress shall first create a better plan and THEN repeal Obamacare" - and institute the new plan immediately.

Take your time, Congress, in developing a new plan to replace Obamacare. Get it right. And, unlike Obamacare, make sure it WORKS!

UPDATE: a few days later Congress and the Trump Administration heeded the above advice and stated that the Obamacare replacement would be simultaneous or within hours of its repeal. Coincidence? Or is Congress and the Trump Administration reading this blog?