Video News

I notice that most news websites offer mainly video news. I checked a number of major media news websites. They offer very little print news, most of the major news websites have gone video, offering few if any written news stories. Why? Perhaps with the poor public education system in the U.S. (and especially in Los Angeles) people can not read. Plus, people today have the attention span of a goldfish. The human attention span in 2016 was 8 seconds, down 33% from 2000 (really, you can look it up). Having the attention span of a goldfish, and a low reading proficiency, may translate into people needing or preferring to watch the news rather than read the news.

The problem with that is video needs no fact checking. It's a matter of "Here it is, see for yourself!" And what you see on the video may have been taken out of context. And, along with the video the news host may offer his or her "opinion" or offer up the opinions of "experts". Video news may thus tend to reinforce and reiterate the biased reporting of a major news organization, allowing them to visually and editorially turn and twist the real facts into their own political viewpoint. It would seem to be much easier to do that via video news.

Unlike the younger generations, I prefer to read the news. And have that news fact checked and true ... BEFORE I read it.