Government workers earn $123,000?

From the Bureau of Economic Analysis—an agency within the Department of Commerce.

"In 2015 (the latest year published), total federal compensation averaged $123,160 or 76 percent more than the private-sector average of $69,901".

"In 2015, according to Edwards’ analysis of BEA data, the value of benefits in federal employee compensation averaged $36,795. The average benefit package in the private sector was $11,175."

WTF? Really? Is this what happens when the government runs things: its workers are overpaid, have no accountability, can't be fired, and receive their pay and benefits - with automatic pay raises - without regard to productivity. Outrageous.

Plus, government workers do not work in the real world - and do not think they are at all overpaid. They think they are ENTITLED to earn $123,000 a year. And have a job for life, a job for life with no accountability and with no regard to productivity. And, at taxpayer expense, should also receive a big fat pension and great retirement benefits when they do retire.

Now, under billionaire businessman President Donald Trump, that permanent working-for-the-government honeymoon is OVER. Get to work!