Michael Moore to abort himself

From Fox News, January 2017:

"Filmmaker Michael Moore ripped a newspaper featuring Donald Trump's image from his inauguration in half as he spoke during the Women's March on Washington.

"The majority of Americans did not want Donald J. Trump as their president," Moore said, commenting on the fact that Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton won the popular vote.

He encouraged the women in the crowd to call their Congressional representatives every day and join groups. "This morning I joined Planned Parenthood," he said."

He joined Planned Parenthood? Maybe he should go there and get himself aborted! Right after he gives all his money away to low income women in America. And converts to Islam.

Michael Moore has a net worth of $50 million. Michael Moore made a capitalistic fortune making documentary films exposing the evils of capitalism. Hmm.

Extreme left-wing Liberals protesting. These are the same people who voted for the liberal Democrat, President Barack Obama

who, for 20 years, sat in the congregation of a highly inflammatory anti-white anti-American racist black pastor (Rev Wright), hung out with an anti-American anarchist (Bill Ayres), taught Constitutional Law but refused to follow the Constitution, supported organizations that encouraged race-based violence (Black Lives Matter), and lied repeatedly (Obamacare): "If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor." And those liberal voters, who are quick to protest and resist and twist anything and everything conservative Republican President Donald Trump does or says, overlooked and/or excused every one of Obama's deplorable deeds.