An anti-Trump spell
From the NY Daily News
"Witches of the world will cast a “mass spell” on the commander-in-chief Friday night in a ritual that calls for an unflattering photo of Trump, a tower tarot card, salt, a candle, a feather and either the stub of an orange candle or a baby carrot.
The stroke-of-midnight rite is a “binding spell” to deter the President from doing harm — not a hex or curse meant to harm him.
Here is part of the spell: “I call upon you / To bind / Donald J. Trump / So that he may fail utterly / That he may do no harm / To any human soul / Nor any tree / Animal / Rock / Stream / or Sea,” goes part of the spell. It later calls for spirits to bind “all those who enable his wickedness and those whose mouths speak his poisonous lies,” as well."
Spirits? Witches? Liberal witches? Anti-Trump spells? Really? I have news for all the witches - it won't work. The spell won't work. The spell will have no effect. Why not? Because, according to many liberals, Trump is the devil.
Witches are going to cast an anti-Trump spell? Is this a real news story or Fake News? I don't know but it got reported in a lot of the mainstream media.
Continuing after the 2016 Presidential Election this update:
Harsh? Mean? Intolerant? I would be a lot less harsh if left-wing liberals were a lot less zealous about having everything THEIR way, were a lot less hypocritical re their words/actions, and were a lot less intolerant towards people who disagree with them.
Yeah, tolerant liberals.
Democrats lost the 2016 Presidential election ... and many liberals refused to accept the result, actively protesting the duly elected Republican President in the streets - and in the media.
If the shoe was on the other foot, if Conservatives lost and refused to accept the result and protested the victor in the streets and in the media, liberals would be SCREAMING. Day and night. We'd never hear the end of it. So why is it OK for liberals to do it, to refuse to accept losing and endlessly protest an election they didn't win? Liberals supposedly stand for "Fair and Equal", are supposedly "tolerant", yet they refuse to tolerate anyone who disagrees with them.
Left-wing liberals are not only intolerant, they are also hippo-crits.
From Entertainment Weekly
"John Oliver dedicated his first Last Week Tonight of 2017 to President Donald Trump, asking viewers four questions: “How did we get a pathological liar in the White House? Where are his lies coming from? Why do so many people believe him? And what can we possibly do about it?”
Really? Who the hell is John Oliver? I never heard of him. Does he run a country? Does he run anything other than his mouth? Though his show is on HBO at 11 PM Sundays I have never seen John Oliver or his TV show. And I have no interest in doing so. Ever. By his comments I would label him yet another liberal loudmouth loser, from the entertainment business.
As for Donald Trump becoming President, if the loony left-wing liberal losers had done the elected job of governing this country properly (i.e., of the people, by the people, for the people) we wouldn't need a Donald Trump.
From FoxNews
"Bruce Springsteen may be well known for his hit song "Born in the U.S.A." However, he wasn't too proud to be an American at a recent concert in Australia.
Springsteen and his band addressed a crowd at a concert in Australia as "embarrassed Americans," alluding to the election of President Donald Trump.
Springsteen, a Hillary Clinton supporter, said his band is now part of the new resistance against the Trump Administration."
Bruce Springsteen is an asshat. He made $345 million as an American citizen and a legendary American musician. His legendary music honors regular working class Americans. Those are the same people Hillary Clinton called "the basket of deplorables".
Bruce Springsteen is embarrassed as an American? Ashamed? Shame on YOU, Bruce, for being another f-ing ungrateful millionaire liberal hypocrite! Bruce Springsteen is embarrassed as an American? America is ashamed of Bruce Springsteen! He is a musical entertainer. And, as an musical entertainer, he should sing out not speak out.
During the political campaigns leading up the the 2016 presidential election many liberal Hollywood celebrities publicly threatened to leave the country if Donald Trump becomes President. He did and I hope they do. In fact, I am going to hold those celebs to their words. Celebrities threatening to leave if Trump becomes President include Barbra Streisand, Miley Cyrus, Cher (moving to Jupiter), Lena Dunham (Vancouver, Canada), Bryan Cranston, Samuel L Jackson (moving to South Africa), Whoopie Goldberg, Jon Stewart (moving to another planet). Trump did win. You said you would leave. Now leave. And please leave your citizenship, money and big houses behind.
If these Hollywood liberals don't do as they said, if these liberals don't move out of the country, then their word is no good, then they are hypocrites, rich Hollywood hypocrites.
Words matter. Be careful what you say.
UPDATE. It's been over a month since the election and I have not heard of even ONE of these Hollywood Hypocrites leaving the country or even planning to leave!
UPDATE: It's been over 3 months since the election and I STILL have not heard of even ONE of these Hollywood Hypocrites leaving the country or even planning to leave!
UPDATE: As of the end of April 2017, it's been nearly 6 months since the election and I STILL have not heard of even ONE of these Hollywood Hypocrites leaving the country or even planning to leave!