Governor Jerry Brown
The State of California legislature, in conspiracy with the Governor, passed a new bill that punishes drivers. The bill raises the California gasoline tax by a whopping 43%! OMG, really? Yes. The California legislature passed this bill, a bill which increased vehicle-related taxes in California by a shocking $5.2 billion a year.
With already ridiculously high taxes, the worst traffic congestion in the nation, and a crisis in affordable housing, the liberal Democrat California legislature once again disregarded those urgent and real needs of tens of millions of citizens and residents of the state - and passed yet another bill that raises already high taxes and fees.
What will the State of California do with the added $5.2 billion per year? It will fix the highways. Wait a minute. I believe that California taxpayers already pay gas taxes etc which are supposed to be used by the State of California to maintain and fix the highways. Where's THAT money? Where did that money go? Why doesn't the State have the billions of dollars of tax money we paid for decades, and continue to pay, to fix the freaking highways?
In raising these taxes and fees, the politicians in California are punishing drivers. Punishing millions of drivers in California who require vehicles for business, for fundamental personal needs, and for entertainment. Los Angeles is the "Car Capital of The World". Higher vehicle taxes and fees? To fix highways? Highways we already pay/paid to fix? Why?
This is happening because California is a liberal state. The state legislature is liberal Democrat. What did they do? Passed a bogus new law and dramatically raised already high vehicle-related taxes. And punished millions of California drivers in the process. The California legislature and the Governor. Arrogant? Yes. Liberal? Yes. Unresponsive to the urgent major needs of its citizens? Very. Do they care? No. And, to add insult to injury, in a recent poll, 77% of California Democrats approved of the Legislature’s performance, while 77% of California Republicans disapproved. That shows you how loony Democrats are. Hey, here's an idea; if 77% of California Democrats like the state legislature so much let THEM pay all of the 43% tax hike!
Welcome to the loony liberal State of California. Bend over and open your wallet.