Here comes a nuke!

Hawaii will be testing a "nuclear bomb" siren system, designed to warn Hawaiian residents of an impending nuclear attack. The "here comes a nuke" siren gives tourists and residents about a 20 minute warning of a nuclear attack.

Yeah, right. That'll work. So, what do you do if you hear the warning siren go off and a nuclear missile is on the way? Run? Hide? Head to the nearest bar? Are students in Hawaii supposed to hide under their desk in the event of a nuclear attack, like the government instructed students in school to do in the 1950's? Yeah, that'll save you.

And, according to reliable news sources, there aren't even any nuclear bomb shelters in Hawaii, so Hawaiians have no escape from a nuclear blast and resulting fallout. No nuclear bomb safe space.

In case you were wondering, Hawaii has been consistently governed and dominated by Democrats since the 1950's. And we all know that lefty liberal Democrats have the best ideas - ideas that don't work and defy reality. The "here comes a nuke" warning siren is yet anther fine example. Maybe, if a nuclear attack was imminent, State of Hawaii politicians should also spend taxpayer dollars to create government loudspeakers, government loudspeakers which blare, "Aloha. Here comes a nuke. Duck!"

If there is a nuclear bomb headed toward Hawaii (presumably a North Korean launch) and the warning siren goes off, what should people in Hawaii do? Here's the answer: sit yourself down, lean over and grab your ankles, spread your legs then tuck your head way under ... and kiss your ass goodbye.