According to wikipedia,"Drinking the Kool-Aid" is an idiom commonly used in the United States that refers to any person or group who goes along with a doomed or dangerous idea because of peer pressure. The phrase often carries a negative connotation when applied to an individual or group. In recent years it has evolved further to mean extreme dedication to a cause or purpose, so extreme that one would "Drink the Kool-Aid" and die for the cause.
The phrase derives from the November 1978 Jonestown, Guyana deaths, in which over 900 members of the Peoples Temple, who were followers of Jim Jones, died, many of whom committed suicide by drinking a mixture of a powdered soft-drink flavoring agent laced with cyanide and other drugs". The drink became known as "Kool-Aid".
Liberal and progressive Democrat voters in America are Kool-Aid drinkers. Members of a cult that they blindly follow. They blindly memorize the talking points of the liberal wing of the Democrat Party and it's propaganda mouthpiece, the mainstream media, with no regard to facts or truth, and blindly regurgitate those points. Never questioning the source or the content. Liberal followers accept whatever their party leaders tell them to say and do and believe. Lefty liberal followers do not think for themselves or do the factual homework to find the truth. The truth is whatever their leaders tell them. Lefty liberal followers are Kool-Aid drinkers.
Extreme liberalism is a cult. Like Jonestown. I wonder if extreme liberals would also drink Kool-Aid if their loony liberal leaders added deadly poison and told them to drink it.