There has been a number of violent protests during the 2016 primary elections. Most or all were protests against Republican Presidential candidate, Donald Trump. And these anti-Trump protests are often incited by liberal causes and organizations and extreme liberal protesters-turned violent.
Peaceful protests should be tolerated in America. Violent protests should not. Violent protesters can cause injury and often loot and destroy property. And cause a lot of damage to local neighborhoods.
Here is how violent protests should be handled. Hose 'em. The police should use huge fire hoses (water cannons) and hose the violent protesters off their feet. Knock 'em down. When they get up, knock 'em down again. Use lots of high-force water from water cannons. They're called cannons for a reason. Whoosh! Knock the violent protesters down and wash 'em away. Fire hoses, water cannons, that's the answer. And, if the violent protesters drown, so be it, they brought it on themselves. Maybe next time they won't violently protest. Or, if they do, they'll have to wear a life jacket. Or scuba gear.
Violent protests? Violent protesters? Hose 'em. Violence ended. Problem solved.