Los Angeles raised the minimum wage on Friday, July 1, 2016, to $10.50 an hour, on the way to $15 an hour. What will be the result? Many small businesses have already reported they will have to reduce hours of existing hourly workers, lay off workers, reduce benefits, and not hire new workers, to make up for the increased wages and in order to stay in business.
Thus, the local government in Los Angeles, in forcing through a liberal Democrat idea to help minimum wage workers, will actually make the lives of the same minimum wage workers they want to help, WORSE! Minimum wage workers will end up working less hours, get fewer benefits and/or get fired. And they will not be able to get a new minimum wage job because businesses will not be hiring new hourly employees. Thus, because the Los Angeles City Council thought raising the minimum wage was a cure for poverty, many minimum wage workers in Los Angeles will make LESS money ... or NO money. Duh.
Every time a liberal Democrat government agency in America passes a new rule or new law that it thinks is a good idea, it usually isn't. And often makes things worse. The minimum wage increase is just another good example.