The Alternative Right (alt-right) uses anti-semitism (among other things) to be outrageous and to gain attention. I get it. Unfortunately, it is also inappropriate and promotes real anti-semitism. Alt-right leaders and followers don't care or, in fact, may welcome the outrage. I get that too. The problem with it is that the "Jews control everything" idea is incorrect. It's just plain wrong. And accuracy is important. Otherwise, without accurate facts, a statement or belief is just a stupid uninformed opinion. I have been hearing the "Jews control everything" statement all my life. And it's still stupid, and incorrect.
For the record, the myth of Jews controlling everything is just that, a myth. Jews do not rule the U.S. nor do they own and control the banks in America. Christians do. Especially white male Protestants. Look at any list of the top people in the federal government (and the White House) and the top execs at major U.S. banks and you will not see a huge percentage of Jewish names.
On the other hand, American Jews do control much of the media (however CNN was founded by Ted Turner, a gentile). And Jews do control many of Wall Street's investment banking firms. However, investment banking is NOT the same as regular banking. Investment bankers do investment deals, raise money and trade securities but, unlike banks, do not take deposits from individuals, do not issue credit cards, or make bank-type loans like mortgages, auto loans, etc. The truth is: Jews do NOT run, or own, the major commercial banks in America, and never did!
Jews are indeed also prominent and dominant in the legal, accounting, medical and technology professions and do absolutely dominate the entertainment business. So what? These are highly lucrative professions. And Jews understand that having money is important - money buys things - things like a college education.
The motivation and goal of most Jews in America is not power. The primary motivation and goal of most Jews in America is m-o-n-e-y. The motivation and goal of most American Jews is simply to earn money (preferably lots of money) to live well (and take care of their often high-maintenance Jewish wives and kids and often guilt-inducing but loving Jewish mothers).
How do Jews go about earning a lot of money? Jews earn a lot of money by getting a good education - and choosing a lucrative profession. And then using their intelligence and hard work (and Jewish connections) to generate a high income. Why do Jews earn a lot of money? Jews tend to work smart AND hard - and thus do well economically. Why do they do that? Male Jews try to do well economically in order to avoid being criticized and nagged to death by the Jewish women in their life. It's the male Jew's implied (and vocally explicit) ongoing responsibility to take care of his family. Or, failing to do that, male Jews may incur the ongoing lifelong wrath of the Jewish wife and mother. Guilt. It's a powerful motivation. A Jewish cultural commandment. And it's been that way for over 5,000 years. (And, yes, in modern America, a Jewish woman can prosper on her own, and avoid Jewish guilt and constant criticism from her Jewish mother, provided she gets married and has kids).
Jews do not control America. It's a myth. They are simply disproportionately represented in certain industries. Just like male African-Americans are disproportionately over represented in professional football and basketball (and rap music). Do racists say that blacks control professional sports like football and basketball? (I don't know, maybe they do say that).
Anti-semites wrongly state that Jews control an entire country, America. Jews do not. And, if you are saying Jews control America just to get attention, to be outrageous, and think you are not being anti-semitic, you ARE being anti-semitic. Words matter. Truth matters. Unless you're a moron.
If you are going to demean/hate Jews in America, for whatever reason, please base it on the real facts, the real truth, not opinions or beliefs based on ignorance and/or incorrect information.