follow the Yellow Brick Road and see where it leads
New Rule For Liberals
Liberals have some wonderful ideas. They want to remake the world into a fantasy of fairness, affordable health care for all, free money, free food, free college, redistribution of income a la Robin Hood. They want to please the planet, force us to use non-efficient alternative fuels (or NO fuels), and a host of other idealistic ideas. None of which has worked, or will work, in reality.
That is the problem with wonderful idealistic ideas. They disregard reality. They are not free. They are often impossible to implement. Yet liberals plunge ahead and force their impossible, unrealistic, unworkable ideas on everyone, without regard to cost or reality.
I am imposing a new rule. A New Rule for Liberals: “Any liberal idea must now also have a realistic estimation of the cost, who will pay for it, and how it will be implemented.”
No more vague liberal ideas like “free college tuition”. It would not be free, except for the students who attend. Someone else will have to pay the professors, maintain the buildings et al. Who? The government? The government is YOU. Do YOU agree to pay for a kid to go to a college that costs $30,000 a year. Yes? OK, now give up $120,000 of your hard-earned money to pay for it. No, you don’t want to pay $120,000 more in new taxes? Then you can’t have free college tuition. Why don’t we make rich people pay for everything? Because there aren’t enough millionaires and billionaires to do it. If liberals took every dime from millionaires it would only pay for less than half of college tuition, for one year. YOU, the taxpayer, would have to pay the other half. Yes, free college tuition is a good idea, a good idea that doesn’t work.
The point is: if you have an idea, think before you speak. Think it through. Figure out the reality. Face the facts. And the cost. If you can’t or won’t figure out the reality, address the facts or the cost, then an idea is just an opinion. And, as an opinion, maybe it’s stupid, or doesn’t matter.

When putting forth an idea that "makes society more fair and more equal" liberals must provide the reality of the idea, how it works, how much it costs, and who will pay for it.
This new rule applies to ALL liberal ideas. If liberals do not provide actual facts, realistic estimated costs, who is paying for it, and how it would be implemented in reality - their idea is simply an opinion. Only an opinion. Luckily for liberals, everyone has the right to their own opinion, no matter how stupid that opinion may be.