According to DowJones.com
A record 65.3 million people were registered as displaced by persecution and conflict in 2015, and many of them encountered closed borders and stronger anti-asylum sentiment, the United Nations said on Monday.
This means that one of every 113 people on the planet is now a refugee, an asylum seeker, or internally displaced in a home country.
Democrats in America want the government to take in more refugees. MANY more refugees. Millions more refugees. Refugees who, according to the government's own experts, cannot be properly vetted as to criminal or terrorist backgrounds. And, besides the risk to American society, who's gonna pay for them to come here and live here? YOU are.
Here's a better idea.
There are 134 million households in the U.S. About half the households are Democrat. That's about 65 million households. How about the U.S. takes in ALL the 65 million refugees - and houses a refugee in each and every Democrat household in America. Yeah, one refugee per Democrat household. And each Democrat household has to feed, cloth and educate their refugee guest, and pay for it out of their own household budget.
Hey, liberal Democrats, put your money where your mouth is. You want to take in more refugees - house one, in YOUR house. Now THAT'S fair and equal! Go ahead, take in ONE refugee, and put them in your own home. Go ahead, I dare you.