Whoo, you're overweight
The media routinely reports in detail the height and weight of Presidential candidate Donald Trump - but NEVER reports the height and weight of Hillary Clinton.
The media has made a big issue out of Trump being 6'3" and weighing 236 pounds, making him somewhat "overweight". They have not made an issue out of Hillary being short and obviously overweight. Or even reported on it. If you want true "gender equality", i.e. treating men and women the same, then if the media is going to report the vital statistics of height and weight of tall-and-overweight Donald Trump it must also report the height and weight of short-and-overweight Hillary Clinton. Otherwise, it's reverse sexism.
I looked up Hillary's height and weight on the internet and could find no trusted verified information source. I did find a bunch of "celebrity slanted" websites which gave estimates of 5'6" or 5'7" and 132 pounds. Yeah, right. MY visual estimate of Hillary Clinton's height and weight in 2016 is more like 5'3" or 5'4" and 150 pounds or more. The normal weight for a woman of that height should be about 125 pounds.
If you are going to play the Woman Card, or support it, then, as is routinely done with men, publicly revealing a woman's height and weight is fair and equal - and Gender Equality. Otherwise, it's reverse sexism.
OK, now I'm going to play the Woman Card. "Dear mainstream media, if you are going to report and comment on how overweight Trump is then, to be fair and equal, and in the interests of gender equality, find out how short and overweight Hillary really is, and report it. Or, if you won't, then stop reporting on Trump's weight. Or continue to be gender equality hypocrites. Your choice."
As for me, I'm 5'10" and weigh 161 pounds.That's a BMI of 23.1 which is well within the normal weight range.