From Curbed L.A.
"Los Angeles is slowly expanding its rapid transit network, but residents probably won’t be too surprised to hear that a new report indicates that the city still lags far behind the rest of the world in terms of transit accessibility. The report, released by the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy, shows that only 24 percent of Los Angeles residents live within a kilometer of a Metro, light rail, or rapid bus stop.
That number pales in comparison with percentages in most of the 25 cities studied in the report; by comparison, in the top four cities on the list—all in Europe—more than 90 percent of residents lived near transit stops. In fact, in Paris, stations are easily accessed by a full 100 percent of residents.
Not surprisingly, the most transit-accessible US city analyzed was New York, where 77 percent of residents are within a kilometer of a stop."
Unfortunately, Los Angeles (the car capital of the world) is not condusive to mass transit. The city is too spread out, encompassing over 400 square miles. To put that into perspective, Manhattan is 23 square miles.
Despite the reality that the mass transit concept doesn't, and won't, work well in L.A. for most residents, Los Angeles politicians want to continue to keep spending billions of dollars more for more mass transit. Even though the facts above prove mass transit in L.A. is very inconvenient, and only a small percentage of income tax paying residents live close enough to use it.
L.A. traffic is a mess, the worst in the nation. Mass transit is NOT the answer. Perhaps it should be called mess transit.
I live in Los Angeles. Mass transit? For me, and millions of other people in L.A., mass transit is not convenient. I'd rather drive. I need to drive, to do the things I need to do. And, in my dreams, I'd drive a Lamborghini.
Or maybe a Ferrari.