Los Angeles has a proposed half-cent sales tax increase on the November 2016 ballot, for public transportation projects. Here is what they say
From MyNewsLA.com
"A proposed sales tax measure that would raise at least $120 billion for public transportation projects if approved by voters in November is projected to put $79.3 billion back into the economy, according to a new forecast."
Wait a minute. It says the proposed tax increase would take $120 billion out of Los Angeles County taxpayers' pockets, and out of the local economy, and will put less than $80 billion back into the economy. According to my third grade math that's not a gain, that's a net LOSS to the local economy of over $40 billion!
-$120 billion
+79.3 billion
-40.7 billion
I'll bet lots of L.A. politicians will be saying, "This is great tax proposal. It's gonna add nearly $80 billion to the local economy. Vote YES!"
It's a $40 billion loss, you math morons!
Welcome to government math. Stupid government math. Stupid government math, where 2 + 2 = 17.
Having a semi-functioning brain in my head, and the ability to do third grade math, will I vote for the proposed sales tax increase? What do you think?
UPDATE: Not surprisingly, On Wednesday, Sept 14, The Los Angeles City Council threw its support behind the Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s Nov. 8 ballot measure asking voters to hike the sales tax a half cent in order to pay for public transit projects. As expected and predicted, stupid government politicians support stupid government math.
UPDATE: On November 8, 2016 Los Angeles voters passed this stupid ballot measure. The voters were once again by duped by stupid government math. Stupid voters. Obviously, L.A. voters did not do their math homework. What happens to stupid voters? Stupid voters get the stupid government they deserve.