Hillary Clinton, in her first speech after losing the 2016 Presidential election said, according to the Wall St Journal: "The divisions laid bare by this election run deep. But please listen to me when I say this, America is worth it. Our children are worth it. Believe in our country, fight for our values, and never, ever give up."
Hillary Clinton is a sore loser. And, along with many other liberal Democraps, a disgrace to America. She lost the election yet refuses to accept defeat, refuses to be gracious in defeat, refuses to accept the winning outcome, refuses to accept true American democracy, disrespects the office of President, and refuses to help unite our country after being defeated, choosing instead to continue to divide Americans and promote discord and dissent among her followers. "Fight for our values"? "Never give up"? You lost. And this is unsportsmanlike conduct.
Too many liberals, after losing the 2016 election, have been exhibiting bad behavior, like spoiled children who don't get their way. Crybabies. Hey, Democraps, grow up - we the people have spoken - and you lost! Act like it. Accept it. Or you can continue to be asshats ... and watch your political party go out of existence.