How to Tame North Korea

How does America tame the crazed murderous North Korean regime?

North Korea is out of control. And becoming increasingly dangerous. How does the United States get NoKo to knock it off?

Here's a simple solution. It's fast. And doesn't cost us a dime. Here's how we stop North Korea ...

North Korea is supported and controlled by China. China supplies lots of oil and lots of food to North Korea. And buys their coal. Here's what we do: President Trump picks up the phone and calls the President of China. Trump says, "American companies pay China to manufacture all our stuff. I'm thinking about encouraging American business to have everything made, not in China, but in India. Of course, that would bankrupt China in about a week. Or, perhaps, if China puts serious pressure on North Korea and threatens to cut off their food supply unless they behave, I might change my mind and let China continue to make our stuff and continue to prosper. I'll give you an hour to decide."

China would either have to control its puppet, North Korea, and make them behave, or immediately go bankrupt and lose their prominent place in the world. What do you think China would do?

And the outrageous North Korean regime would have to choose whether to continue to misbehave, or die of starvation. Either way, we win.

One phone call and the North Korea problem is solved. Now, THAT'S diplomacy! Economic diplomacy.

Or, as an alternative,

1. the U.S. could resign from the left-wing do-nothing third-world dominated U.N. and
2. throw the U.N. out of the U.S.

Then, wherever the U.N. resettled, they could invite North Korea to join. Maybe joining the left-wing do-nothing third-world dominated U.N. would make the nutcase NoKo leader happier, more peaceful and more cooperative.

AND, if we threw the U.N. out of the country, we could then also turn the uber valuable U.N. property on 1st Avenue in New York City into a luxury co-op. Or, considering that NYC is politically a radical left wing and uber liberal city, they could convert the multi-billion-dollar U.N. property into low income housing. In any event, Americans would no longer be financially and politically burdened with the U.N.