Gender Jail

California Governor Jerry Brown signed a politically correct law aimed at protecting transgender and other LGBT individuals in hospitals, retirement homes and assisted living facilities. The bill would ensure those facilities accommodate transgender people and their needs, including letting them decide which gender-specific bathroom they prefer to use.

Among the unlawful actions are “willfully and repeatedly” failing to use a transgender person’s “preferred name or pronouns” after he or she is “clearly informed of the preferred name or pronouns.”

The law states that if provisions are violated, the violator could be punished by a fine “not to exceed one thousand dollars” or “by imprisonment in the county jail for a period not to exceed one year,” or both.

Another fine example of crazy California law. This is what the California legislature and the Governor think is one of the major important issues facing 40 million Californians? This is how elected state officials in California are spending taxpayer time and money??? And don't think for a minute that this law will not be widened to include hefty fines and possible jail time for anyone, anytime in loony liberal California who fails to use a transgender's preferred name or pronoun.

There are currently about 60 politically correct genders. Good luck trying to keep up. My solution? Though genders titles such as Mr, Mrs, Madam, etc are used as a title of respect, we could do away with gender titles altogether and call everyone only by name or generic title. To be politically correct, instead of addressing the President of the United States as Mr. President, we could address him as "President Trump". Or "Hey, Donald".

And, yes, like transgenders in California, the President can use any bathroom the President wishes to use.