less news please

We have news 24/7. 24 hours a day. On cable TV and/or online. We are bombarded with too many news stories, too much news! Most of it political.

There are not enough top news stories to fill 24 hours a day. What happens is the reverse of the old days. Today, because cable TV news runs 24 hours a day, they have to find news stories/commentary to fill the hours and hours of airtime - and advertising time. There aren't enough major stories to do that. So, what happens is that minor news gets reported (or they make up some news) to fill the time, and it becomes major news. Worse, everything is a BREAKING NEWS ALERT! And they also added non-news shows, known as commentary. Commentary programs means a pundit, or a bunch of pundits, render their personal political opinion. Opinion, not news.

Back in the day, before CNN invented 24/7 cable news, network national news was aired for a total of 30 minutes a day. In the evening. And ALL the major news stories fit into those 30 minutes. And local news was another 30 minutes a day. And ALL major local news stories fit into those 30 minutes. There was no time for filler news stories, lesser news stories, for opinion/commentary, or Fake News.

Today, we are treated to news 24/7. Too much non-worthy news stories. Too much talking. And too many ads. Let's limit news to 30 minutes a day again. Like the old days. 30 minutes of the most important stuff. And actual facts. Cable news networks can repeat it throughout the day and night so anybody who wants to get all the important news can do it, in 30 minutes, whenever they wish. We can call it Recap News. Or Real News.