Harvey The Hollywood Hypocrite

Harvey who? Weinstein? Never heard of him.

Harvey Weinstein was a major Hollywood film producer/distributor. His movies include Pulp Fiction and Rambo.

Harvey Weinstein is also an accused sexual harasser of women. The New York Times reported it discovered “previously undisclosed allegations against Mr. Weinstein stretching over nearly three decades” and reported that he’s “reached at least eight settlements with women. His sexual harassment including inviting women to watch him take a shower and requesting they give him nude massages.

Mr Weinstein is a Hollywood hypocrite.
While sexually harassing women for decades, he supported feminist icons like Hillary Clinton and Gloria Steinem and participated in a Women’s March in Park City, Utah. He also has hosted numerous fundraisers for Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, and has donated to Democrat liberals: Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) received $14,200 from Weinstein since the early 2000's; Cory Booker (D., NJ) has taken $7,800; Al Franken (D., Minn.) $10,000; Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) $5,000. No doubt liberal recipients of Weinstein donations will immediately distance themselves from the alleged sexual harasser. Harvey who?

Weinstein has also contributed six-figure sums to the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC). Weinstein has given more than $100,000 to the DNC while tens of thousands of dollars have gone to the DSCC.

Harvey Weinstein is/was a rich and powerful liberal Hollywood male - and an accused harasser of women.

According to the New York Times, Weinstein is "working with therapists and planning to take a leave of absence to 'deal with this issue head on.' Really? Conservatives who allegedly sexually harassed women got fired or were forced to resign in disgrace - and Harvey is going to take a voluntary leave of absence and go to a shrink???

Harvey Weinstein is a Hollywood hypocrite. OK, I know, there's no shortage of liberal Hollywood hypocrites. And sexual harassers of women. Weinstein follows a long tradition of Hollywood misogyny. Since the early days of Hollywood there has been the "casting couch", where powerful Hollywood elites enticed female (and male) Hollywood hopefuls with movie roles in exchange for sexual favors. However, in the case of Harvey Weinstein, there is a distinction.

On behalf of all straight males, I condemn Harvey in the strongest terms. It gets worse. Harvey Weinstein is a moron, a disappointment to men everywhere. He suggested women watch him take a shower? Give him a massage? Forced himself on women? He is rich and powerful and had enormous influence over young beautiful women wanting to get into show business. Hollywood is full of willing sexy starlets. And Harvey passed up all that beautiful free WILLING pussy and sexually harassed unwilling women in Hollywood instead? Shame on you, Harvey! You are a disgrace to males everywhere.

And, as punishment for sexually harassing women, you are giving yourself a leave of absence? And you're gonna see a shrink? What about resigning? What about going to jail? Instead, Weinstein said, "I am going to need a place to channel that anger so I’ve decided that I’m going to give the NRA my full attention." He tried to change the subject; from his sexual harassment indiscretions to ... gun control? Talk about out of touch!

And where's the immediate outcry from liberals? When a conservative male is caught harassing women, liberals start screaming instantly and endlessly condemn them. In the early days of this scandal, I heard few screams condemning Harvey Weinstein. In fact, many Hollywood A-listers who worked with, or knew Weinstein remained silent and/or had no comment. Many waited up to 5 days, to see which way the wind would blow.

Liberals are hypocrites. Hollywood liberals are even more hypocritical. Harvey Weinstein proves the point.