Empty barrels are not racist

General John Kelly stated, "empty barrels make the most noise". He was referring to Congresswoman, Frederica Wilson (Democrat, Florida), who made a big fake political Democrat issue about Trump's phone call to a Gold Star family regarding the military death of their son. The soldier's widow was also present for the call. Representative Wilson listened in on the private phone call and then attacked President Trump for his insensitivity for basically saying about the dead soldier: "He/you knew what he was signing up for" - an apparent phrase used and understood by enlisted military personnel - who indeed know they may be killed in the line of duty.

Frederica Wilson, Florida Democrat

After Kelly's impassioned emotional speech, in which he alluded to her blatant attack, saying an empty barrel makes the most noise, Wilson stated that his "empty barrel" comment was racist. Racist? An empty barrel is racist? Is she nuts? Yes! Empty barrels has NO racist meaning or overtones. She claimed she looked up the phrase in the dictionary and found it to be racist. I looked it up on Google, in numerous dictionaries, and found NO connection to racism anywhere! Check it out for yourself. The Congresswoman is delusional.

Furthermore, the quote seems to be derived from "An empty vessel makes the loudest sound, so they that have the least wit are the greatest babblers." This quote is attributed to Plato, the famous ancient Greek philosopher. How is "empty barrel" racist?

Democrat Congresswoman Frederica Wilson is an asshat. A crazy disrespectful liberal Democrat Congressperson. For her ridiculous crazy political disrespectful lying attacks on our President, she should be removed from office. Shame on the Florida voters who elected her.

No, I am not being racist or anti-women. I am being patriotic. And defending my country against enemies, foreign and domestic.