It seems like liberals, socialists and radicals are protesting EVERYTHING. Protesting every little thing that they can find that "offends" them. And every little thing that's not politically correct in the extreme offends them. Not just the big issues like racism, Women's Rights, Wall Street, illegal immigration et al but they are offended by the National Anthem? Statues? And anything that President Trump does - or says.
What protesters don't realize is that when they protest everything they water down their most important issues, they create an overload and people will stop paying attention to ALL the protesting.
In addition, protesters today are showing great disrespect for everything they disagree with. Who raised these people? Didn't their mothers teach them respect? Who ever gave them the right to be disrespectful ... nasty ... and violent??? Why are they being allowed to act like spoiled children throwing temper tantrums? Since the 2016 election of Donald Trump as President, liberals have been pouting and throwing temper tantrums. Pouting and temper tantrums is what children do when they don't get their way.
No, it's NOT acceptable to protest everything. It's childish. And stupid.