how to stop sexual harrassment

Democratic Senator Al Franken - being funny

Too many women have been, and are being, sexually harassed. Too many men are sexually harassing women (and men). Some women even sexual harass men. We must put a stop to it. Here's 3 ways to stop sexual misconduct.

1. Perhaps the government will make Sexual Harassment classes mandatory in the U.S. Kind of like what Obama and the Democrats did with health insurance - made it mandatory. Regarding sexual harassment education, every male in America, starting at age 5, should be forced by government to take classes. And women should be forced by government to have mandatory self-defense classes, starting at age 5.

2. Everyone carries a cellphone. If someone is being sexually harassed, via their cell phone, they should get it on video or audio. Then, if they wish, they can file a documented complaint with their employer, the police, or post it on social media.

3. Ask permission to hit on someone BEFORE you do it. "Hi, I don't want to get into trouble so would you mind if I say you are attractive? Or, "would you mind if I ask you out?" Or, "would you mind if I kiss you?" Or more? "Would you mind if I said/did ________?" "If you say no, I won't do it; I don't want my life ruined."

Or, text the person and ask permission. That way, if she says yes, you have a record of it. And she'll have a record if she says no. No more he said/she said.

Let's do away with sexual harassment. In every industry. And government. Let's educate and legislate that sexually harassing or exploiting women is not OK. Let's make it punishable by death. Or, maybe society should just castrate men at birth.