Here's a good idea - an effective response to lefty liberals ideas. I call it my "You go first" program. Here are some examples
Gun laws/banning guns. Let's put 10 violent criminals in every liberal neighborhood. The 10 criminals will live there. Do you think liberals in those neighborhoods will run out and buy a gun? Or five? Or sell their house and move ASAP? Or call the cops out of fear, hoping the police come fast, armed to the teeth.
Illegal immigrants. In sanctuary cities and states, let's relocate all illegal immigrants to liberal neighborhoods. Then watch how fast those liberals scream for immigration reform ... and a Wall.
The best test of a liberal policy is to first put the policy to work - in the liberal community. Yes, in their backyard.
You want alternative energy? Let's put a 200-foot-high windmill in YOUR backyard.
Pro illegal immigrants rights? Here's 100 illegal immigrants - in YOUR neighborhood.
The list goes on. Every single demand that loony liberals make should be met with the demand, "YOU go first!"
Liberals are hypocrites. They want to apply their beliefs to YOUR life, while never applying the same to THEIR lives. To all liberals who want to control our lives according to THEIR beliefs: YOU go first!