Howard Schultz is the CEO of Starbucks.
From CNN:
"The Starbucks CEO has a long history of advocating for civic engagement. In a speech to Starbucks shareholders last spring, the billionaire exec said he fears the opportunities that allowed him to achieve his American Dream -- he grew up in subsidized housing in Brooklyn -- have fallen out of the grasp of too many people.
"The American Dream can't be only accessible to people of privilege who are white and live in the right zip code," he said."
Once again, a white male billionaire liberal is concerned about racial and income inequality. Mr Schultz makes over $20 million a year and has a net worth of $3 billion. He's white and no doubt lives in the right zip code. In fact, he allegedly bought a $25 million "vacation" home in Hawaii.
Mr Schultz no doubt lives the American Dream, big time. He, unlike 99.9% of the rest of us Americans, is a billionaire - and is VERY privileged. He is probably a very nice person. However, if he is so concerned about unprivileged non-whites having less of a chance, or no chance, at achieving the American Dream why doesn't he give his billions to the poor unprivileged non-white people he is concerned about? Or at least give them free coffee. Why doesn't he give away all his money to less privileged Americans? Or at least voluntarily give away 90% of his annual income (he'd still have a million dollars to live on!). Does he/will he give away 90% of his income? No? Why not? If he doesn't he's a liberal hypocrite who doesn't put his money where his mouth is - but is happy to put YOUR money where his mouth is. Just like all liberals.
Regarding the American Dream, at a minimum it requires a brain in your head, at least a decent basic education, speaking English, taking risks, a genuine desire to have a better life - and the willingness to work your ass off to create it. And it requires the individual, not the government, to take overall responsibility for his or her own life.
By the way, I have never had a Starbucks coffee. It's true. Never. Why? I can't see paying $5 for a cup of overly-caffeinated overly-complicated java. And now that I learned about the extreme liberal hypocrisy of its CEO I am happy I have never monetarily supported Starbucks - and will endeavor to continue to do so.