in 2016, the black radical pro-violence activist group, Black Lives Matter, released a list of demands. Here is the list:
1. End the war on black people.
2. Reparations for past and continuing harms.
3. Divestment from the institutions that criminalize, cage and harm black people; and investment in the education, health and safety of black people.
4. Economic justice for all and a reconstruction of the economy to ensure our communities have collective ownership, not merely access.
5. Community control of the laws, institutions and policies that most impact us.
6. Independent black political power and black self-determination in all areas of society.
In other words, are they saying they want a "country within a country"? One that favors black people? And BLM wants taxpayers to pay for it? Why don't they just say what they really want? A big fat reparations payment for slavery (which ended before their great great great great grandparents were born). NO police interference or jail time for blacks (no matter what crimes they might commit) and free, independent ownership and control of everything in their local community.
In addition, according to the Washington Post, the Black Lives Matter platform also calls for
- defunding police departments
- race-based reparations
- voting rights for illegal immigrants
- an end to private education and charter schools
- a “universal basic income"
- free college for blacks
Based on their outrageous and ridiculous and racist demands, Black Lives Matter does not deserve to be supported, it deserves to be condemned.