my 1400% medication increase

Dear Donald

An open letter to President Trump

Just before the deadline to change Medicare plans I got a letter from my prescription drug plan provider, WellCare. The letter announced that one of my medications was going to be changed in 2017, from tier 1 coverage to tier 2. I phoned WellCare and learned that my co-pay was thus going up, WAY up. My co-pay was being increased by more than 1400%! 1400%??? From one year to the next? Really? Yes.

The increase is on the cardiac medication, amiodarone, which helps prevent and control Afib (atrial fibrillation). Afib puts a person at a much higher risk of stroke. And death. Thus, my cardiologist prescribed this medication as a critical, necessary, potential life saving drug for me. Yet, my Medicare prescription drug plan decided to jack up my co-pay by 1400%. Not even a brand name drug, the drug I take is the generic! My generic drug co-pay is going up more than 1400%??? What the hell is going on with medicine, with Medicare? With prescription drug prices? It's out of control! What about the patient? What about the gigantic sudden increases in out-of-pocket costs?

On principle, I refuse to pay 1400% more for this daily medication. Even if the medication saves my life. I notified my cardiologist and we'll see what he says. In the meantime I have 4 pills left.