Safe spaces are for sissies

Here's a scary message from the real world to high school and college students.

"Safe spaces are for sissies. There ARE no safe spaces in the real world."

I'm sorry if that scares you, or is a fear trigger. But it's the truth. And, as college-age adults, many/most students are completely unprepared, emotionally, to enter, or deal with, real life. These young adults, who demand and rely on safe spaces, are in for a rude shock when they enter the real world. Safe spaces? There are no safe spaces in the real world. As a result of safe spaces, our young adults are woefully unprepared emotionally for the shock of entering the real world. For that you can thank bad parenting and the liberal education system for encouraging kids to be ridiculously weak and wimpy - and scared of everything that might make them even slightly uncomfortable.

Here's a dose of reality. In the real world, there are no safe spaces. There is no crying. Or running away from any trigger. Or protesting every little imagined slight. And there are no participation trophies in the real world either.

If you are about to graduate, or are a recent grad, and wish to continue running to, and hiding in, safe spaces you should get a job in a non-real-world industry. Like liberal academia. Or a liberal nonprofit organization. Or the government. Or Hollywood. Or liberal journalism. Or, you can just continue to stay home after you graduate and live with your parents, and avoid the real world altogether.

Sorry if all this offends you or scares you ... but, as uncomfortable and scary as it may be, I live in the real world.